As some of you may know, I have attempted to learn some modern Greek. I am now very easily entertained by trying to sound out and figure out the meaning of Greek words.
Every day, on the way up to school, we pass this construction site. So, naturally I am interested in what is in those gigantic bags. I actually saw a crane delivering them to the work site. I begin to sound out the first word on the bag, and it seems to be asbestos. I am surprised, because I did not think you would want new construction full of asbestos!
The locals tell me not to worry, because the word really means cement. However, I thought I read another word that approximated cement. Hmmm...
It is fun to see how many of our English words come from the Greek, for example exodus is the Greek for exit. All of the signs above the emergency exits on Olympic Air are marked exodus. Consider that your Greek lesson of the day. My Greek has improved a bit by being here. Simon and the Greek archaeologist on site give me little tests throughout the day.
More soon.
Every day, on the way up to school, we pass this construction site. So, naturally I am interested in what is in those gigantic bags. I actually saw a crane delivering them to the work site. I begin to sound out the first word on the bag, and it seems to be asbestos. I am surprised, because I did not think you would want new construction full of asbestos!
The locals tell me not to worry, because the word really means cement. However, I thought I read another word that approximated cement. Hmmm...
It is fun to see how many of our English words come from the Greek, for example exodus is the Greek for exit. All of the signs above the emergency exits on Olympic Air are marked exodus. Consider that your Greek lesson of the day. My Greek has improved a bit by being here. Simon and the Greek archaeologist on site give me little tests throughout the day.
More soon.
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