Bits and pieces
Bits and pieces of columns, capitals, bases and who knows what else are stacked throughout major sites. What they are doing with this material is beyond me. I have yet to see a live human being working on any of the sites.
Maybe they were at the protest I saw earlier at the Parliment building. There were about 50 protesters and scads of riot police , who were all equipped with canisters of teargas and plastic shields. They also had 5 or 6 really large police buses(think tour bus) that were outfitted with all kinds of additional law enforcement wares. I didn't snap a picture, as the scene was none too friendly, and escaped unharmed.
I went to the Parliment Building to witness the changing of the guard at theTomb of the Unknown soldier. The two guards perform ritualized steps before coming to rest on either side of the tomb. One soldier keeps the tourists away, but also tends the guards and their uniforms. He mops the sweat from their brows and makes sure every tassel and pompom is in place. As you would expect, the guards don't move a muscle.
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