High end storage

This is a shot of the main room of the field school. It was Astypalaia's school until the late 80's. Last year the mayor gave UCL permission to use it for research. Occasionally locals come to visit us while we work, they tell stories about when they were young and went to school there.

Each one of the plastic boxes on the table contains the bones of one baby. We bag each bone in a ziploc bag fitted with a piece of jiffy foam for protection. The label goes in front, then foam, the bone goes in back. Then it is put into the box like a filing system. We file the cranial bones first and work our way down to the feet. If we had such a system at UCLA we'd need the whole floor of Kinross. Neonatal remains don't take up much space.

The big cabinet in the back holds all of our supplies. The students in the back are lining up to use our only sink.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. ahhh, there are other people on the island after all.


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