
The Stoa of Attalos, one of the structures in the Ancient Agora, houses a small but informative museum.  The history of ostracism and it's related artifacts really made me chuckle.  Obviously my mother in law felt the same way, as she highjacked these photos and used them on a Facebook post!  I need to be quicker with my Greek adventure stories, but it is hard to do with severe jet lag.

Ancient Greeks voted to ostracize, or cast out of society, men that they truly disliked. If a quorum of 6000 people gathered, and they picked you as the most despicable person in Athens, you were out on your ear for 10 years.

My mother in law and I are of like mind on this subject, as we are on may others.  Could we get a quorum of people together to get rid of Trump?  Where could we send him for 10 years?

Oh, the possibilities. I'll supply the potsherds.

More soon.


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