
Look who we found sitting on his motorbike waiting to go for a ride this morning.  He looked awfully comfy, and a little indignant as Andrea snapped his picture.

Astypalaia is overrun with feral cats, you can hear them constantly caterwauling and battling for territory.  It is quite unpleasant, although the locals firmly believe that the tourists love the cats.  Cats are not considered domesticated animals here, they are regarded more like squirrels.  People think of them as wild animals that need a bit of help.  You will often see fish skeletons, or goat bones left on top of garbage cans, food for the cats.

Some people try make sure the cats get food and water. The first photo is of a group of cats enjoying dinner outside of the local supermarket.  The market closes for siesta between 2 and 6 pm.  As 6 pm approaches, a large group of cats assembles in the parking spaces across the street.   One of the super market staff comes out carrying a giant bag of cat food, which she pours directly onto the pavement. Dinner is served!  She also fills up a big bowl of water for the kitties.

I wish they would fix these cats, but alas this never happens.  It pains me to see the cats mistreated.

More soon.


  1. Sophie keeps me on track with the food. You know the routine


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