
 Living up under the castle walls on the Chora also means you are living underneath several churches. So when the church bells ring you not only here them, but feel the mood that the tone conveys.

You will hear the upbeat pace of bells calling you to Sunday msss. The first set tells you to get going toward the church, the second set is hurry up you’re late.

Bells ring out joyously on saints days or when there is a wedding.

This week we had mournful bells, telling us that someone had died. The bells were slow, two different octaves, and carried a sad message.

Out lab is at the foot of the church, and the funeral procession. With people actually on foot, goes right along the back patio of our school. We remain quiet and out of sight until the mourners have left. The quiet time allows you to reflect.

This photo is of one of the churches in the Chora close to the castle. I shot this because of the clouds in the background. Clouds in summer are relatively rare in Asty, but this year we’ve had our share.

More soon.


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