Evil Eye or Matiasma


Just a couple days before I left for Greece I noticed something amiss when I got into my car. My evil eye necklace, my amulet that protected me while driving, was missing. Vanished. Gone. It had been standing watch over me for more than five years. I searched the car, found an old french fry, but no remnants of my necklace. This really bugged me, nagged at the back of my mind.

So, as soon as I arrived on the island things started to go south. First was the giant flood in our studio, followed by the positive Covid test. Now we have unresolved plumbing issues and Andrea has Covid. As I was recounting all of this bad luck my friend Lambrini shouts "It's the bad eye! Someone has given you the bad eye". I then told her how I lost my 

    evil eye charm. Now there was no doubt, someone who was probably envious of me, had given me 

    bad energy.          


   How can I shed this bad luck?

A couple of options have been presented.

 Option 1- I could simply get the person who cursed me to touch my forehead or hand to release the curse. Not happening, the culprit has not been identified.

 Option 2- Pass an egg over my body multiple times. Sleep with said egg under my pillow for one day.

I'll try option 2 maybe. I have an egg around here somewhere.

More Soon.


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