Greek Wedding

I have been procrastinating about this blog post for too long.  On the second day that we were here, there was a large wedding party. The whole town was invited to the church part of the ceremony, and about 500 people were invited to the reception for fireworks, dinner, drinking and dancing until dawn. I did not attend the reception, so I will only describe for you the part of the ritual that I took part in.

We were informed that we should arrive at the home of the bride sometime around 7 pm.  Our field school is linked with the bride, as her family owns the accommodations where participants reside for a month or so while they are on the island. Therefore, were encouraged to join the throng of people escorting her to the ceremony. So we all arrived at her home, as formally dressed as a group of archaeologists can be on a hot July evening.  We waited outside her house with a few hundred other people who are dressed to the nines, many women in stiletto heels.  A few musicians are gathered with us, they played festive music celebrating the arrival of the bride and her family.

Finally at dusk the bride happily emerged from her home and set off toward the church with literally half of the island's population in tow.  We were among the revelers.  The crowd passed through the town square, or platia, and then began the slow trudge up the narrow steep street to the church.  The first photo shows some of the people making their way from the bride's home to the platia.  

We move at a glacial pace toward the church.  As I have already told you, many women are wearing heels and very fancy dresses, and they are struggling to climb the steep incline to the church.  It seems that we are lurching forward as one.  People line the road cheering us on and taking photos, some from the balconies of their homes and businesses.  

Finally we reach the courtyard of the church. The second photo shows you only a portion of the huge number of people congregated there. Eventually we make our way toward that little door on the right side of the photo.  Everyone files in single file and is allowed to observed a second or two of the wedding ceremony,  The third photo shows you the scene inside. As you can see it is standing room only. I could not get a good shot of the bride and groom, as there were a couple of gigantic blazing chandeliers messing up the light.  

After our few seconds of observing the ceremony, we were returned to the bustle of the courtyard. We stayed for a bit longer, but the ceremony went on for a couple of more hours.  Many of the guests attending the reception waited outside for the ceremony to conclude.  

Reception guests described the reception as a lavish affair, including a fireworks display that hit at least one of the guests in the parking lot.

More soon.


  1. Sounds like the movie, MBFGreekWedding 2

  2. How grate was that for you and Andrea to be able to join in the festivities it sounds amazing a real Greek Wedding glad you shared Love ya

  3. How grate was that for you and Andrea to be able to join in the festivities it sounds amazing a real Greek Wedding glad you shared Love ya


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