Balsamic Map

I've mentioned that Astypalaia is a windy place, but this summer it seems worse than the other two times that I've visited. Weather reports lately are of gale force winds. Sometimes you have to struggle against the wind to keep moving forward while you walk.

On Saturday night we decided to go out for dinner up in the Chora at a place called Barbarrosa. I had been admiring this place for awhile, because it is clean, has a nice patio and is often filled with customers. We sat down around 7pm or so and were virtually the only customers, as locals don't think of eating dinner before 9pm.

So we ordered a great little salad for an appetizer, it was arugula, tomatoes, olives and wedges of locally made cheese. It was dressed in a balsamic vinaigrette. As soon as the server put the plate down, a huge gust of wind came up and started blowing the greens all over the place. They flew everywhere, all over the table and all over our clothes. Luckily we had our dirty archaeology clothes on, so a little oil and vinegar didn't ruin our attire.

The map in the photo is of the island, most restaurants use these on the tables. Also in the shot is a glass of Rosé. Not a fan of the Rose or any of the other wines I've tried in Greece. There it is, the California wine snob in me has reared it's ugly head.

I used a Tide stick on the stains, we'll see if they come out.

More soon.



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